Friday, November 30, 2007

It's Digital Story Time at Case

Fifteen students from Case Western Reserve University will present their digital stories on Friday, November 30th and Tuesday, December 4th in Second Life on the ClevelandPlus Island. These projects represent a semester-long effort in writing, recording, creating and producing personal digital stories.
The presentations are the culminating experience of a writing intensive seminar entitled “Digital Storytelling: Creating Meaning with Sight, Sound & Language”. Students will be in Second Life alongside their digital stories explaining what they did, how they did it and its educational value.

When: Friday, November 30th 7:30am - 10:00am SLT/PST (check local time) and 12:00pm - 2:00pm SLT/PST (check local time) and Tuesday, December 4th 11:00am – 1:00pm SLT/PST (check local time)

Where: ClevelandPlus (121, 21, 35)

The digital stories will remain up through December 7, 2007.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Case's Virtual Worlds Lab in Second Life

    In case you didn't know, Case Western Reserve University created a very accurate replica of the Virtual Worlds Lab located in the Olin real life... inside the Kelvin Smith Library on our Second Life campus. The purpose of this recreation is to help prospective students get a better sense of what CWRU might have to offer them without actually visiting campus.
You might want to listen to Dr. Marc Buchner, Director of the Virtual World Lab discuss the reasons for the build.

Here are a few images from within Second Life

Come see it in Second Life at

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Showing Off Our Showcase

For those around the world who did not get to attend Case’s Faculty Technology Showcase in person in the Thwing Ballroom last Tuesday we held the Showcase in Second Life. NMC kindly promoted the event for us. We were pleased and to be honest a little surprised at how many avatars were able to join us in ClevelandPlus.

Susanne Patrono ( Sue Shick’s avatar) reports that she spoke with many avatars from across the country… mostly from higher ed institutes, although some of the avatars appeared to have stumbled upon the event becuase we opened the island for “Public Access” during the Showcase.
We do not have Thwing Center built out on ClevelandPlus, but we do have Adelbert Hall.

On the second floor of Adelbert(SL) is a beautiful, large area created for events like these. So we recreated the layout from Thwing Ballroom on the second floor of Adelbert. For me the most interesting part of the event in Second Life was the simulcast of the faculty presentations and of course the Keynote by Dr. Lev Gonick.

At some points during the day we even had more avatars in second life watching the presentation then we did in real life. The speakers were even able to take questions from the avatar attendees.
We learned a lot about hosting an event like this... in real life as well as Second Life and want to make the Faculty Technology Showcase an annual event. Next year we want to have faculty participants come in to Second Life so they can discuss their posters and presentations with avatar attendees.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Pardon Our Dust

We’re expanding! Things are hopping on ClevelandPlus. With the addition of two more full islands and 4 voids we have been able to relocate the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Cleveland Clinic Heart Center. This leaves us with some extra wiggle room we desperately needed on our original island. When you visit us you will also see some new builds that are very impressive; the Terminal Tower and Public Square, Euclid Avenue, Cleveland Trust, a Cuyahoga County Public Library, the Everett Mansion, Western Reserve Historical Society, the Botanical Gardens, one of the Cleveland Municipal Public Schools (John Hay High School) and about 5 of the Cultural Gardens.

It has been fascinating to watch the builders from the New Media Consortium do their thing. They are able to create incredible 3D representations just from “2D” photographs. They also make use of Google Earth images where possible.

Below are some snapshots we took to document the building process


Aerial View of ClevelandPlus III... the new home of the Rock Hall
As you can see the Terminal Tower build is awesome!


Early picture of ClevelandPlus II while the layout map was still on the ground. It reminds me of a Monopoly Board.


Here is a view of ClevelandPlus II from the top of the Kelvin Smith Library on ClevelandPlus I. You can see the Terminal Tower on the horizon.


Here we are looking back on ClevelandPlus II from the Terminal Tower. In the distance you can see some of the buildings on ClevelandPlus I.

Next… The Case Western Reserve University Faculty Technology Showcase in Second Life….

Friday, October 12, 2007

My First T-shirt

by Mir Bear-Johnson (SL Avatar Mir Benelli)
'm excited. I made my first shirt in SL today. Well, not my first
shirt because I've been able to do that for a while, but my first
shirt with invisible spots and such. It's nothing fancy but man am I
proud of it. (Image) It took me a while to find an explanation on how
to do the invisible thing that made sense. (Mostly because I'm running
Photoshop CS2 and apparently the instructions for that are different
then any of the other photoshops. Who knew.)

Anyways, making shirts themselves isn't hard. I just hopped over to
the Second Life Wiki ( and stumbled across
this gem,,
which gave me the bases I needed to be able to orient words and such
on my clothing.

Then going to another article,, from the
same person I made my first shirt!

Clearly it wasn't much more interesting then what I could've made
without paying the 10$L to uploadthe texture.

I was honestly a little bummed -- then I started trying to play around
with alpha channels. Those are the things that make it possible to
have invisibility and transparency in textures. I tried using the same
person's tutorials as helped me figure out the shirt,, but they
just didn't work for me. So I ended up finding
and this Quicktime video
And from there I was able to figure it out.



I'm going to need to make more Linden dollars camping to support this
new habit of mine!

But still, I'm mad proud of my shirt.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Shopping and Freebies!!!!

by Mir Bear-Johnson (SL Avatar Mir Benelli)
So, I think I may have developed a bit of a shopping addiction in SL.
I suppose I could have worse addictions, but still. I'm pretty sure
the fact that there are so many darn freebie shops around just makes
my habit worse. Because if you're buying outfits for free or for only
1$L it really doesn't seem like much, at least, until you open up your
inventory and wonder what the hell you could possibly need that much
stuff for.

But I guess all of my obsessive type shopping does have a purpose. I
can give useful advice and suggestions on where to shop now.

And given my new shopping hobby I suppose it's understandable how much
I avoid spending my $L. Which has a lot to do with the fact that I
don't actually want to spend any real money in SL if I can help it.
Not because I don't think it's safe or something -- It's way too
widespread not to be safe. But mostly because I'm a working girl and
prefer to spend my money in the real world, not the virtual one.

Sorry for the baby rant. Anyways, where was I? Ah right, me being
unwilling to spend very much for things. Before I knew better, of
course, I spent too much on too little. But I've learned since then.

So one thing to keep in mind is, if you're new to SL, there are a lot
of places that will offer really nice deals to people 4 weeks 'old' or
younger so get on that!

GuRLyWood 111, 113, 21 (PG) - Month old discount
ETD Isle 251, 251, 26 (Mature) - 2Month Old discount
Nantli Xolal 196, 142, 22 (Mature) - Month old Discount
Angel Haven 194, 234, 22 (PG) - 2Month Old Discount
Pazazz 89, 90, 22 (PG) - Month Old Discount

Also, there are a ton of nice people who offer free stuff! Yay! Free
stuff! Some of my favorites are

Freebie Jeebies in Boom County 81, 74, 23 (Mature)
Longbranch Freebies in Badly Moor 37, 109, 55 (Mature)
Freebie Freebie Freebie Freebie in Mount Curl 118, 245, 104 (PG)
Odds&Ends in Wagaland 115, 74, 29 (Mature)
No Covenant in Nedben 218, 16, 99 (PG)
Freebie in Bunyip 47, 170, 78. (PG)

Right. Well I'll probably add more to this later, but for now...I'm off to shop!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Changing Appearances

I've noticed a lot of people in SL seem to keep their look static.
Which I don't understand at all. I mean, I suppose it's all personal
opinion and so on and so forth, but I think changing how I look fairly
often is just fun. My other concern is that people might be afraid
that if they change how they look they'll mess something up. You can
insure this won't happen fairly easily, creating an outfit out of
everything you're wearing makes it possible to always go back. My last
concern is that maybe people just don't know how to change their
appearance, aren't comfortable with it. So I've set up a quick little
guide to it. Hope it makes sense!

-One main thing to remember is that your avatar can be whatever you
want it to be -- it's a representation of you! So have fun with it!
-To change your appearance you can either right click your avatar and
select "Appearance" from the choice wheel, or go to edit at the top of
the screen then down to appearance. Your avatar will stand up and spin
around and the menu to change your appearance will appear.
-The menu has side headings such as: Shape, Skin, Hair, Eyes, Shirt,
Pants, Shoes, Socks, Jacket, Gloves, Undershirt, Underpants, Skirt.
The first three of these have their own subheadings that will appear
to the right of them but still to the left hand side of the window.
-In each section you are given a wide variety of changes you can make.
For example, if you go into Shape, then Eyes, you can change your eye
size, the size of the eye opening, your eye spacing, you can make the
outer and inner corners of your eye go up or down, you can change the
depth of your eye, the creasing and bagging of your eye, you can make
your eyelids puffy or not, change the length of your eyelashes and
make one eye 'pop'.

-Also, you can randomize your appearance from any of the body part
selections-- which rarely ends well but who knows, you might get
lucky. Also you can change yourself from male to female with the click
of a button in your shape selection.
-When you leave your appearance you will be given the chance to either
cancel all changes or save them -- if you like the changes you made,
save them, if you have some issue with it, cancel it and start over.
-The huge number of things you can change -- and how you can change
them -- is fairly overwhelming at first, but you'll get the hang of it
pretty quickly.
-And don't worry about changing your avatar more then once -- part of
the fun of SL is constantly editing how other people see you.

-You can also edit your clothes in the appearance menu, make them
longer, shorter, looser, tighter -- as long as the clothes you are
wearing are modifiable. If they have (no mod) by name in your
inventory then you can't do anything with them.
-If the item is modifiable, in addition to changing how it hangs or
its length you can tint it.
-Also, you can make your own clothes. They'll probably be less complex
then some of the one you can buy, but you can give them texture and
color and shape, just like you would in editing your bought clothes.
-You can also make your own clothes in PhotoShop, though this can be
tricky at first and each item costs 10$L to upload.

-In addition to clothing items, you might find yourself with a prim
attached at some point or another.
-Prim stands for primitive and these are items that you attach to your
person, they may have the appearance of hair, a skirt, shoes, jewelry
or any number of things. Prims allow more details and texture to be
added to an item.
-As long as your prim isn't (no mod) you can change its color, or the
color of just parts of it. You do this by right clicking the prim in
question, choosing edit from the wheel menu then choosing "More"
From there go to "Texture" If you want to change the color of the
entire object leave the whole thing selected, if you'd rather just
change sections go back to the top above "Less" now, and check "Edit
Linked Parts" Once you do that you can separately select parts of the
prim and edit their color.

As for that 'making of outfit' thing I mentioned earlier, here's a bit
about that: If you have found a combination you particularly like you
should go to edit appearance while wearing it and click 'make outfit'.
From there you can choose what pieces you want to be an outfit. You
will also be able to name the outfit, and there's an option for
renaming all of the items in the outfit after the name of the outfit.
This is not suggested since it can make it harder to look for things.

There. I hope that all makes sense. And really people, don't be afraid
of change, it's good for you!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

what we did on your summer vacation

We've been busy!
After the whirl of activity surrounding the undergraduate recruitment effort I went out and googled CWRU in Second Life and found lots of buzz out there, including coverage in

I was really interested in the blogs and saw that the articles stimulated quite a bit of discussion.

One of the concerns mentioned in a blog response was that there didn't seem to be anything to do once you got to the onecleveland island.
All I can say is, "You haven't seen us lately!".

April 14: Red{an orchestra} Simulcast in Second Life

Let's make history....
The very first American live digital-simulcast of a classical orchestra in Second Life. Red {an orchestra} along with a very talented group of volunteers from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland State University, OneCommunity and the New Media Consortium (Austin, Texas) made history on that Saturday night.
Experiencing the concert in Second Life was awe inspiring and exhilarating... what a way to participate in a classical music concert. The weather was perfect, the stars were shining and a full moon was visible on the horizon.

Before the concert we gathered in the martini bar under a large flowing tent for drinks and hors d'oeuvres. As the concert was about to begin we wandered over to our seats in the outdoor Amphitheater in front of the Kelvin Smith Library.

The amphitheater was surrounded on all sides by 6 large screens. We could see and hear the orchestra tuning their instruments. The audience in Second Life was not disappointed. The live stream was exceptional.

The constantly changing camera angles provided by 10 cameras and the superb audio quality from 22 audio channels presennted a feast for the eyes and ears.
The pictures I included can't do the concert justice. You just had to be there.

For a behind the scenes look at the production crew take a look at this video.

August 3rd: Cleveland IBMer Spirit Group Meeting

ClevelandPlus hosted a 2.5 hour in-world meeting for the Cleveland IBM Spirit Community. The agenda was jam packed with 4 speakers in 3 different locations. As guest avatars arrived at the SPIRIT welcome tent, they were offered meeting souvenirs and virtual refreshments. They also had an opportunity to practice animated gestures and enter a raffle for real life prizes.

The meeting’s main event took place at the outdoor amphitheater on ClevelandPlus where Lev Book (avatar of Dr. Lev Gonick, VP, Information Technology, CWRU and Ilike Mayo(IBM’s Dave Liederbach's avatar) gave engaging presentations using streaming media and PowerPoint slides.

To heighten the virtual experience, the avatar attendees were teleported, in a matter of seconds, to two breakout sessions -- one in the Cleveland Clinic Heart Center operating room given by Docmom Marsala, avatar of Dr. Anita D. Misra-Hebert, M.D., FACP, Cleveland Clinic

and the other at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame given by Pavl Stenvaag, avatar of Mike Benz, president and CEO, Cleveland United Way.

We recieved excellent feedback from the participants including this quote from Dave Liederbach.

"It was informative, engaging, and social -- well beyond what a conference call and/or a webcast can provide and should be replicated for other IBM community meetings." Dave Liederbach,
GM, Public Sector, GTS Americas and Executive Sponsor

We learned so much by hosting this event and look forward to putting our skills and knowledge to work in all our upcoming events.